Our Programs

Relational Development is Key

Family Biz Kids programs are dynamic, growing, changing, developing maturity, and evolving their own culture over time. Each program is designed to continue for generations. Relationships are nurtured and grown between family members, in addition to the Family Biz Kids principal and staff who commit to being a part of these programs year after year. This relational development is the cornerstone to supporting the next generation’s growth, commitment to business enterprises, and strong family relationships.

Client Specific Programs

We understand that children in multi-generational family enterprises are in a unique set of circumstances that provide them a myriad of opportunities, life experiences, and responsibilities to themselves and their families. We will work with your family to create experiential and relevant programming that uses nationally recognized financial core competency standards and focuses on the distinctive needs of your family enterprise.


Our professional assessment of your needs will establish meaningfulness in your family legacy that you want to be included in your program.

Each Program is Designed to:

  • Deliver hands-on and experiential activities
  • Develop relational bonding and shared experiences
  • Construct opportunities to communicate the family's culture, values and history
  • Introduce concepts and strategies to communicate and resolve conflicts
  • Foster personal and professional growth
  • Educate younger members through leadership and financial training
  • Incorporate philanthropy and service
  • Support across generations through youth mentoring and parent coaching

Financial Skill Building

Entrepreneurship and Innovation challenge using a lemonade stand concept.

Vision, Values and Purpose 

 Philanthropy and Service Learning Projects.

Supplemental Programming 


Virtual Programs

Family Biz Kids also offers online programming during virtual meetings and as a supplement to on-site programs. We will work with your family to customize a fun and interactive program that can include intergenerational activities for all ages. The diverse skill sets of our educators ensure creative and dynamic experiences for your entire family. 


Family Camp

Intergenerational opportunities for families to come together in a camp-like setting to learn and play together. Family camps can have specific themes and are conducted annually at different times and locations than the annual meeting.


Parent Education Workshops 

These programs can be built into the annual meeting structure to support and educate parents on various common parenting topics and unique family business issues such as wealth management and raising children to be emotionally, socially, and financially competent.


Leadership Retreat 

Similar to Family Camps, these camps are designed with the teens' interests and offer advanced opportunities to play and work together in addition to programs offered during the annual meeting. Adventure-based programming develops confidence, leadership responsibility, and outdoor skills. Our programming includes camping, white water rafting, outward-bound activities, and leadership development.



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© Elizabeth Bird